Wednesday, February 9, 2011

::Pictures - Sneak peek of - Slimming Journey From February 2010::


a bit excited on my new blog:)

so, i decided to share my pictures ..

Journey from February 2010..

This is when I started the turning point in my life...ENJOY da pics:)

This Pic was taken on February Colmare Tropicale..(im da girl in white blouse, 2 from left) Pic credit to achik, one of my BFF:)

Another picture from Colmare Tropicale:)At this time I weighed about 110 kg..I i lost 5 kg because i went on crush diet.. you know the Yo Yo thingy...only apples or other fruits in a day...hohh!..but dont try only loose water not body fat..hhahaha...:P Im still on Hypertension medication during this time...

This pic was taken somewhere in May 2010..Cant remember my weight that time..heheh:P

This pic was taken sumwhere in June one of my cousin wedding (Farhan and Farhani :) ) The baby: Pija - my Mak Lang (Farhan's mother) baby sits..
I weighed about 104 kg..This time I lose weight because I went for Spa Slimming (from March 2010)...not so much different.. I started to feel down..up and down up and down...Almost cost me RM 2000..actually that is my first time having spa treatment package..Just trying...but i dont lost much...until i finished the package.. I only loose until 101 harm in least I've tried..but definitely not fit..hehe. but 1 thing I kept in mind.."i've come this far (eventough not that far, so why do I have to go back?"..SO, the journey continues...

This pic was taken on July 2010...this time I tried some sort of enzyme treatment at a clinic(to burn fat as energy)and starting to control my diet..I dont lost much but this treatment helps me builds smarter figure by replacing 'bad' fat with 'good' fat..I managed to lost weight until 95 kg this time..

This pic was taken somewhere in August..During fasting time..huhu...:Pof course i get slimmer..hahaha..I stop the enzyme treatment for a while..during this time my weight is 89 - 90 kg:)I started taking multivitamin supplements during this body became flabbier as my weight drops..(mainly because i lost much water content during fasting)heheh..

This pic was taken on September 2010...I lost quite a bit...until 88 kg...mainly on controlling diet...

This pic was taken on January 2011..I weighed about 72-73 kg during this time..:)


Will share details on how i lost those weight:)

Till then,


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