Wednesday, February 9, 2011



hehe..this is kinda new to me..but i always wanted to try something new :)


where to start..

Picture above is taken sumwhere in 2009..June..

i weigh about 115 kg at this moment...GOSH! (can't believe i post my weight!):P

all this while during that time i eat everything i want..i dun care on the calories..the fat content or watsoever...only matters - its delicious..

I can eat 5 pieces of KFC fried chicken (spicy - one that i like(: so much!!) not embarresed...

ive been on every sort kind of diet but nothing sticks..hahaha..such as

* Meal replacement (Shakes - until i cant stand the shakes taste anymore)
* Herbs - until i got diarrhea
* Swimming - huh..this one make me even fatter..hahaha..because it increase my appetite so much!
* Gym exercise - cycling to be exact but this one dont stick coz i lack on motivation..duuhhh:P

and my weight have been Yo-Yoing since i finished school..(its not that i say im thin during my secondary school days but not this fat laa:P)

Hard things ive to face being fat:

1. Lack of self esteem
2. Easily tired, easily angry, easily feel insecure
3. Diagnosed with high blood pressure (i've reached 170/120 bp readings,seriously) check the site to know the blood pressure groups --> im in stage 2 hypertension, YA'LL!!('0')fuuhhh...its heart threatening even when im writing this...
4. Hard to pick my sizes for pants and like size 42 jeans and 46/48 shirt size (i dun know how much XXXX have to be write before the L ..huhuh)

But seriously..i do ignore my weight that time...all because i 'think' i've got what i want..

huhu..let it be personal that one..

I think because i have the height (172 cm) it doesnt matter, i dun look plump (for me) because i always look at half of my body in the mirror..and said.."OH, STill CUte" kehkehkeh:P

but one point of my life..ive made my decission to break this..i dun want to die young..there are lots of things out there to be explored.....

Why I want to get fit:

1. Ive been challenge by someone who makes me feel so down at one point..(its too personal to be shared) but its got sumtin to do with relationship..
2. I want to live a new life (do a turning point)
3. It is hard being fat, it is hard to slim down, it is hard to maintain weight..everything is i just have to pick my hard..
4. I want to lower down my blood pressure ..

Actually this is my fault..

List of why i get fat:
1. Not eating balanced food (i only picked carbs- a lot of kuey Teaw Goreng..Fried Chicken..Bla bla bla..) little vege and fruit...
2. Associate mental stress with unhealthy eating habit.. (that is considered very very self punishment - if i look back at today's my point of view)
3. Lack of physical exercise..activities....

OK..this is me back then...just reminiscing....and for me as a my self..and for anybody who have the same problem with me..


will share on my step by step transformation journey..

Till then::HUGS AND KISSES::

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